Whiplash Injuries WAD 1, 2 and 3? Find Legal Help

Whiplash Injuries WAD 1, 2 and 3? Find Legal Help

Have you suffered a whiplash injury following a collision? At Conway Law we’ve seen every kind of neck injury and understand the process to not only return back to health, but receive compensation you’re entitled to. Trust our expertise to handle your...
Questioning on Undertaking Responses – Litigation #7

Questioning on Undertaking Responses – Litigation #7

Attendance at a Questioning on Undertaking Responses is almost identical to the process that I have described here. The main difference between a Questioning on Undertaking Responses and a regular Questioning is the extent to which the Defendant’s insurance lawyer can...
Litigation and Attending Questioning by Defence – Step #6

Litigation and Attending Questioning by Defence – Step #6

This is post #6 in our continued series offering clients a walkthrough of the typical litigation process for motor vehicle accidents. The entire resource is here: Ten Steps in the Litigation Process Litigation Step #1 – Filing a Statement of Claim Serving a Statement...
Litigation Step #2 – Serving a Statement of Claim

Litigation Step #2 – Serving a Statement of Claim

Once you have filed your Statement of Claim (within two years of the date of your accident), the next deadline that you face under the Rules of Court, is that you must ‘serve’ the Statement of Claim on all of the people/companies that you have named as Defendants in...