It is a common misunderstanding that you need to settle your claim within two years of your accident. You do not need to settle your claim within two years of the date of your accident. In many circumstances it would actually be unwise to settle within two years of the date of your accident. If your injuries have not fully healed, or you have not been able to have a specialist look at your injuries, or have proper imaging done (such as an MRI), then you may not understand the full extent of your injuries (both for the present and the future). The only thing that has to be done within two years of the date of your accident is that a “Statement of Claim” has to be filed at the court house.
This is largely a “formality” in the sense that the document itself is “standard” and does not change much from claim to claim. Although a Statement of Claim is somewhat generic, it is essential that you file it within two years of the date of your accident or your claim ‘dies’. The filing of the Statement of Claim simply keeps your claim ‘alive’ so that you can continue to make the claim. Because the filing of the Statement of Claim inside the two years is critical to keeping your claim ‘alive’ it is a task best left to your lawyer.