Filling Claim Forms From Insurance Companies

If you are injured in a car accident, you have a responsibility to fill in a claim form with your insurer (or the insurer of the driver of the vehicle you were in if you were a passenger) in order to be reimbursed for certain types of treatment. The Automobile...

Injured Neck or Nerves in the Spine from Whiplash?

Whiplash is a type of neck injury commonly caused by sudden acceleration and deceleration forces typical in car accidents. It can cause damage to various structures in the cervical spine (c-spine), including the nerves. Here are some ways nerves the spine can be...

Limitation Dates in Alberta

In Alberta, the limitation date for an adult injured in motor vehicle collision (MVA) is two years from the date of the accident. The injured person needs to either file a Statement of Claim in the courts or settle their claim in this time period. In most cases (there...
Is there a Cap on injury amounts in Alberta?

Is there a Cap on injury amounts in Alberta?

I’m often asked “what is the ‘value’ of my injuries”. At the outset of your claim, this is virtually impossible to determine. Anyone who tells you otherwise simply does not know what they are talking about. The reason for this is that the ‘value’ of your claim...