Apr 30, 2024 | Personal Injury
If you are injured in a car accident, you have a responsibility to fill in a claim form with your insurer (or the insurer of the driver of the vehicle you were in if you were a passenger) in order to be reimbursed for certain types of treatment. The Automobile...
Mar 14, 2024 | Personal Injury
A number of factors can influence the time it takes to settle a claim for whiplash injuries following a car accident. They include: 1. Severity of Injuries: The extent and severity of whiplash injuries play a crucial role. If the injuries are relatively minor and the...
Feb 8, 2024 | Personal Injury
How to Find the Best Lawyer to Look after My Motor Vehicle Accident Claim The aftermath of a motor vehicle accident can be a distressing and overwhelming time, especially when dealing with injuries, damages, and insurance claims. Finding a skilled lawyer is crucial to...Jan 23, 2024 | Personal Injury
Whiplash is a type of neck injury commonly caused by sudden acceleration and deceleration forces typical in car accidents. It can cause damage to various structures in the cervical spine (c-spine), including the nerves. Here are some ways nerves the spine can be...Oct 16, 2023 | Personal Injury
In Alberta, the limitation date for an adult injured in motor vehicle collision (MVA) is two years from the date of the accident. The injured person needs to either file a Statement of Claim in the courts or settle their claim in this time period. In most cases (there...
Sep 10, 2023 | Litigation, Personal Injury
If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident it is very important that you take certain steps in order to protect your legal interests and maximize your odds of receiving a fair settlement. There are certain steps you can take that may later assist your lawyer in...
Sep 1, 2023 | Personal Injury
I’m often asked “what is the ‘value’ of my injuries”. At the outset of your claim, this is virtually impossible to determine. Anyone who tells you otherwise simply does not know what they are talking about. The reason for this is that the ‘value’ of your claim...Jun 1, 2023 | Personal Injury
Chronic pain is a common problem that can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life. It is defined as pain that persists for more than six months and is often characterized by long-term discomfort or disability. One potential cause of chronic pain...
Apr 24, 2023 | Personal Injury
Sore Jaw? What You Need To Know About Jaw Injuries Following Car Accidents Sore jaw? Jaw injuries following car accidents should NOT be ignored. It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect you have suffered a TMJ injury following a car accident. Early...Mar 21, 2023 | Personal Injury
The negative impact of the the Alberta ‘Minor Injury Regulation’ The Alberta Minor Injury Regulation (AMIR) is a policy that limits the amount of compensation that individuals can receive for certain types of injuries sustained in a car accident. Under AMIR,...